- 在联合国秘书长banki-moon决定三月份派遣一个专家组调查声称的战争罪行后,气氛变得更加糟糕。
- The atmosphere has worsened since the un 's secretary-general , ban ki-moon , decided in march to appoint a panel of experts to look into alleged war crimes .
- 今年3月,这对夫妇打算结束他们16年的婚姻,朗达布鲁斯特聘请了一位离婚律师,她说律师的建议是同前夫尽量不要有什么瓜葛。
- The couple decided in march to split after 16 years of marriage . Ms. brewster has hired a divorce lawyer and says she has been advised to have as little interaction as possible with her husband .
- 一些准备星期五在总统府参加游行的人遭到恐吓,并且甚至连最突出的反对派领袖,温和的默罕默德巴拉迪,也开始公开地呼吁军队进行干涉。
- Some have threatened to march to the presidential palace on friday , and even the soft-spoken mohamed elbaradei , the most prominent opposition leader , is openly calling for the army to intervene .