- 我为官方采取这样一种开明的态度而喝彩。
- I applaud the authorities for taking such an enlightened view .
- 但是如果亚洲领导人得出结论,认为成功建基于某些颇有启发性的亚洲政治方式,那就错了。
- But leaders are wrong when they conclude that success is based on some enlightened asian political way .
- 在那个充满视觉与激情的夜晚,他教育了,启发了和娱乐了我们所有人。
- In one evening of visual and emotional splendor , he educated , enlightened and entertained us all .
- 萨科齐从来就不是天生的自由主义者。
- Mr sarkozy himself was never a natural liberal .
- 再者提倡经济自由的辛格也非典型的国大党人。
- Nor is the economically liberal mr singh a typical congress-man .
- 昆卡的发展一部分归因于自由的移民政策。
- Cuenca owes some of its growth to liberal immigration policies .
- 运动场是完全开放的。
- The field is wide open .
- 她轻轻弹开手机盖。
- She flipped open her phone .
- 打开自己的心灵。
- Keep your heart open .