- 如果说有几分不完美的话,宇宙为创世之初开场和弦提供了一个独特的音乐厅,惠特尔说。
- The universe provided a unique , if somewhat imperfect , concert hall for what may have been creation 's opening chord , whittle said .
- 维也纳西餐厅位于酒店大堂,采用开放下沉式的布局,处处透着欧陆风情。
- Vienna restaurant is located at the hall , it adopted the opening submersion - like layout , and everywhere combined the europe and the continent character and style .
- 如果说有几分不完美的话,宇宙为创世之初开场和弦提供了一个独特的音乐厅,惠特尔说。
- The universe provided a unique , if somewhat imperfect , concert hall for what may have been creation 's opening chord , whittle said .