- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 切割往往始于一种冲动。
- Cutting often begins on an impulse .
- 我们利用机器人来做许多危险的切割工作。
- Our robot does much of the dangerous cutting .
- 许多医院已经开始削减预算。
- Many are already cutting budgets .
- 你从地里挖出来的?
- You dig it up right ?
- 金姆帮助里克挖墓穴。
- Kim helps rick dig the grave .
- 我挖掘出了这个特性。
- I really dig that feature .
- 原本要求的两个月发掘工期延长到了三个月,之后又变成了五年。
- The two months of excavation she had requested had turned into three months , and three months had become five years .
- 当作为挖掘使用时,它能作为强有力的起重机移开大块的残骸。
- The excavation pods can work as robust cranes to remove large pieces of wreckage .
- 这个社区的规模可以从1997年发掘出的遗址看出。
- The scale of this community can be seen in the results of one excavation of part of it in 1997 .
- 意料之中的是,没有一个人将自己能够令人厌烦作为一个与众不同的特征。
- Hardly surprisingly , no one cites his ability to bore as a distinguishing characteristic .
- 2/10受孕两个精子钻入一个卵子的壳内
- 2 / 10 Conceptiontwo sperm bore their way into the egg 's shell
- 这将有利于向煤矿下钻孔,来读出矿工所在位置附近的气体指数。
- This would assist the drilling of a bore hole into the mine , to take a gas reading from near where the miners are .