- 他说,所得到的纸浆可以用于制造新的纸质产品由此便可节约木材或者转变为建筑材料,用于替代可能对人体健康有着潜在危险的石棉。
- The resulting pulp , he says , can be used to produce new paper products -- thus saving trees -- or turned into building materials that can be used as an alternative to asbestos , which is potentially hazardous to human health .
- 但是,我并不是来请求你们的批准或者监督它们的水坝工程,我想他们如果知道你把它们巧妙利用天然建筑材料建成的水坝叫做“废墟”,会很生气的。
- While I did not pay for , authorize , nor supervise their dam project , I think they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use of nature 's building materials " debris . "
- 贝尔彻和她手下的两名研究生罗伯托巴贝罗和伊丽莎白伍德通过基因工程改造普通的面包酵母,创建了一个由二氧化碳转换为用于建材的碳酸盐过程。
- By genetically engineering ordinary baker 's yeast , belcher and two of her graduate students , roberto barbero and elizabeth wood , have created a process that can convert carbon dioxide into carbonates that could be used as building materials .
- 今天的上海是一个巨大的建造场。
- Today shanghai is one vast construction site .
- 新西伯利亚市会展中心的施工现场。
- Exposition center construction works in novosibirsk .
- 建筑公司貌似也认同。
- Construction companies seem to agree .