- 俯瞰通向地狱的宽敞魔道。
- Overlooking a broad demoniac road to the hades .
- 技职教育当然重视实用,技职体系的大学生却不可不具备「君子不器」的通识涵养,使人生更有趣味,未来的道路更为宽广。
- The technological and vocational education values the application certainly , but the university students must become a gentleman ( gentlewoman ) not only a craftsman ( craftswoman ) . General education can make our life more interesting , the future road more broad .
- 有天晚上我们散步到sisavangvong路上的一间木屋酒吧,点了一瓶上好的波尔多和一些炸蚕豆。
- One evening we lounged at a wood-lined wine bar on sisavangvong road , ordered a beautiful bordeaux and snacked on fried broad beans .