- 他甚至可能通过取消财富税来平息提高收入税上限所产生的不平。
- He may even abolish the wealth tax in return for lifting the cap on income taxes .
- 即使政府不废止硬币,市场自发的解决方案也会出现。
- Even when governments do not abolish coins , a market solution may emerge .
- 他因为种族优先政策进了耶鲁,现在却要废止此项政策。
- He got into yale because of racial preferences , but now wants to abolish them .
- 他们能够废除军队享有的严酷的权力并且将驻军从城镇中心撤离。
- It could repeal the draconian powers its forces enjoy and move garrisons from town centres .
- 他说里面的58位民主党参议员几乎都支持撤销。
- Almost all the chamber 's 58 democrats support repeal , he says .
- 国会中的共和党领导人正试图完全废除这项法案。
- Republican leaders in congress are trying to repeal the law outright .
- 修订破产法的提议允许个人在宣布破产的同时说服法官让其保留房屋将废除现有合约。
- The proposal to rewrite the bankruptcy law to allow individuals to persuade a judge to let them keep their homes while declaring bankruptcy would abrogate existing contracts .
- 共和党人从里根时代以来一直倾心于导弹防御,很多人恨不能立刻废除《反弹道导弹条约》。
- The republicans had been enamored of missile defense since the reagan era , and many of them wouldnt hesitate to abrogate the abm treaty in order to deploy it .
- 不难想见,到9月份,成千上万的巴勒斯坦人会在以色列各边境检查站示威;同时,埃及新当选的议员们将采取立法手段,废除埃以和约。
- Come september , it is not difficult to imagine tens of thousands of palestinians demonstrating at israeli checkpoints while newly elected egyptian parliamentarians introduce legislation to abrogate the peace treaty with israel .
- 在国王敦促法庭收拾烂摊子后,法庭随后宣布废除选举结果。
- The courts later found grounds to annul the results , after the king urged them to sort out the " mess " .
- 这样一个人的存在将废止任何补偿的尝试。
- The existence of one such person would annul any compensation attempt .
- 他成功了:他的辞职引起的争论足以迫使宪法法院撤销对reyes先生的任命。
- It worked : his resignation generated enough fuss to force the constitutional court to annul mr reyes 's appointment .