- 他甚至可能通过取消财富税来平息提高收入税上限所产生的不平。
- He may even abolish the wealth tax in return for lifting the cap on income taxes .
- 即使政府不废止硬币,市场自发的解决方案也会出现。
- Even when governments do not abolish coins , a market solution may emerge .
- 他因为种族优先政策进了耶鲁,现在却要废止此项政策。
- He got into yale because of racial preferences , but now wants to abolish them .
- 在国王敦促法庭收拾烂摊子后,法庭随后宣布废除选举结果。
- The courts later found grounds to annul the results , after the king urged them to sort out the " mess " .
- 这样一个人的存在将废止任何补偿的尝试。
- The existence of one such person would annul any compensation attempt .
- 他成功了:他的辞职引起的争论足以迫使宪法法院撤销对reyes先生的任命。
- It worked : his resignation generated enough fuss to force the constitutional court to annul mr reyes 's appointment .
- 尽管如此,政府反驳说,就算没有外界的帮助,他们也能结束冲突。
- Even so it retorts it managed to put an end to the violence without outside help .
- 政府当局周一关闭了首都心脏地带的各条道路,以结束持续了一周的示威游行活动。
- Authorities shut down roads in the heart of india 's capital on monday to put an end to a week of demonstrations .
- 美联储则在1936年末发出信号,称将通过提高银行准备金率,结束异常宽松的货币政策。
- And the fed was signalling from late 1936 that it would put an end to abnormal monetary ease by raising bank reserve requirements .