- 所有这些日子,她单独一人与世隔绝的在她的大房子里做什么?
- And what did she do all those months in her big house , alone and secluded ?
- 关于住宿,找一个与世隔绝的没有光污染的小地方,比如奥特威角别墅。
- For accommodation , find a secluded place with limited light pollution , such as cape otway cottages .
- 如果要来一次真正的历险,试一下到僻静的公园、沙滩或则索性在房间里野餐。
- For a real adventure , try a picnic in a secluded park , on the beach , or even in the bedroom .
- 炮声划破平静的夜空。
- Gunfire pierced the night quiet .
- 唯独女孩自己显得异常平静。
- But she is unusually quiet .
- 埃文利学校那天非常平静。
- Avonlea school was quiet that day .