- 我去那些同样的城市,尽力通过他的眼睛看那些城市,尽力去想象他那么年轻,拐过那个街角,登上那些台阶,牙齿之间叼着一根香烟斜靠在路基栏杆上。
- I go to the same towns and try to see them through his eyes , try to imagine him young , turning that corner , climbing those steps , leaning on the railing of the embankment with a cigarette between his teeth .
- 牙髓血管再生,替代年轻恒牙根尖诱导成形术的一种选择。
- Pulp revascularization , an alternative of apexification in young permanent teeth .
- 他虽是近五十岁的干瘪男人,卓有天真妩媚小姑娘的风致,他的笑容比他的腰要年轻足足三十年,口内两只金牙使他的笑容尤其辉煌耀目。
- He was a wizened mail of nearly fifty , who had the sweet innocent air of a young girl . His smile was a good thirty years younger than his face and was made especially bright and dazzling by two gold front teeth .