- 无数的差异,无数非法传播的幻听之雨。
- Countless difference , numerous rain of acousma spread illegally .
- 心里紧张幻听幻觉脑子不清。
- In the heart the strained acousma illusion brain is unclear .
- 聋哑精神分裂症病人伴幻听1例报告。
- A acousma symptom report in a schizophrenia patient of the deaf-mute .
- 无数的差异,无数非法传播的幻听之雨。
- Countless difference , numerous rain of acousma spread illegally .
- 心里紧张幻听幻觉脑子不清。
- In the heart the strained acousma illusion brain is unclear .
- 聋哑精神分裂症病人伴幻听1例报告。
- A acousma symptom report in a schizophrenia patient of the deaf-mute .