- 学员的平均年龄为42岁。
- The average age was 42 .
- 我们已经进入厉行紧缩的时代。
- We have entered the age of austerity .
- 不耐烦是当今时代的弊病。
- Impatience is the scourge of the age .
- 他将享受美好的时光。
- He 'll have a wonderful time .
- 一次教一个单词。
- Teach a word at a time .
- 校园里太多的空闲时光?
- Too much free time on campus ?
- 我没有时间和精力来品尝格拉夫的干白葡萄酒了,这很遗憾,因为对它们而言,2004年是非常成功的酿造年份。
- I had neither time nor stamina to taste the dry white graves , which was unfortunate as 2004 was a very successful vintage for them .
- 另一些则担心玷污了葡萄酒的声誉会降低自己拥有葡萄酒的收藏价值。
- Others fear sullying a vintage 's reputation and thereby reducing the value of their own collections .
- 突然,他进了房间,一手拿着小吃,一手拿着葡萄酒壶。
- Suddenly he entered the room , snack in one hand , a vintage port in theother .
- 麦克莱伦此时年仅34岁。
- Mcclellan was thirty-four years old .
- 他作为艺术家的职业生涯跨越了60多个年头。
- His career as an artist has spanned more than 60 years .
- 从美国房地产市场泡沫破裂到现在已经有五个年头了。
- It 's been five years since the u.s. housing bubble burst .