- 有了口袋书,企鹅铺平了道路,平装书淘金热开始了。
- With pocket books and penguin paving the way , the paperback gold rush had begun .
- 对于正在评估平装书上市时间的发行人而言,电子版图书给图书定价出了一个难题。
- E-books have made price an issue for publishers who are weighing the timing of a paperback .
- 不过到那时候之前,你可能就会变得富裕,随身携带的就是平装老式书籍了。
- Until then , though , you might be better off with an old-fashioned paperback .
- 文章究竟说了什么?
- What does the paper say ?
- 不需要论文和软件。
- No paper or software required .
- 你减少使用塑料制品和纸张。
- You turn down plastic and paper .