- 商业银行业在正常时期具有盈利能力,在危急时期则需要额外资本。
- Commercial banking in normal times is profitable . In exigent circumstances additional capital is needed .
- 在正常时期,央行业务总体上是盈利的,主要来自铸币税收入流通中的纸币和硬币与各央行针对这些债务留存的固定收益证券的回报率之间的收益差。
- Central banking is broadly profitable in normal times , largely due to seignorage income the yield differential between notes and coins in circulation and the returns received from the fixed-income securities every central bank retains against these liabilities .
- 正常情况下,人们只是模模糊糊地知道,银行柜台里的现钞无法满足储户的大量现金需求,不过这一般只是知识竞赛里的一道题目而已。
- In normal times they vaguely know that banks do not have in their tills currency notes to meet a mass demand for cash from their depositors , but this is mainly an item for general knowledge quizzes .
- 人们常常收礼时打开礼物。
- Gifts are usually opened when received .
- 市场的兴奋情绪常常表达错了地方。
- The excitement is usually misplaced .
- 骤然上调利率往往是有害的。
- A sudden jump is usually bad .