- 为创造公平正义的网路环境,推动网页无障碍化已第八年,在政府强制推动下,虽有助益於公平正义的发展,却引发视觉美感的问题,尤其色彩。
- In creating a fair and just internet environment , web accessibility set in action was well into its 8th year . Although under reinforced governmental promotion fair and just internet environment was well under way , it gave rise to aesthetic problems especially in the area of chromatics .
- 第一百八十九条受理救助款项请求的法院或者仲裁机构,根据具体情况,在合理的条件下,可以裁定或者裁决被救助方向救助方先行支付适当的金额。
- Article 189 the court or the arbitration organization handling the salvor 's claim for payment may , in light of the specific circumstances and under fair and just terms , decide or make an award ordering the party salved to pay on account an appropriate amount to the salvor .
- 但是除了要创造一个公平合理的体系,让更多的女性进入领导行列,还需要处理错综复杂信息所形成的一个实际问题,那就是女性的自信被剥夺,女性参与竞争成为领导的愿望被磨灭了。
- But even beyond creating a fair and just system that allows more women into the leadership pipeline , the practical problem created by mixed messages is that it robs women of confidence and squashes their desire to jump into the fray and become leaders .
- 总统giorgionapolitano呼吁一个公平的预算。
- President giorgio napolitano called for an equitable budget .
- 其实这项对于房屋拥有者的补贴既不实惠也不特别公平。
- This subsidy to homeownership is neither economically efficient nor particularly equitable .
- 社会主义者需要做的只是保证社会财富的公平分配。
- All socialists had to do was to ensure its equitable distribution .