- 恐龙只是不太走运。
- The dinosaurs were simply unlucky .
- 它简单地抛弃了第一个版本。
- It simply drops the first version .
- 金钱仅仅是一种工具。
- Money is simply a tool .
- 他们的不幸才刚刚开始。
- Their woes were just beginning .
- 谁的飞艇刚刚爆炸了?
- And whose airship just exploded ?
- 亚洲的痛苦还只是刚刚开始。
- Asian pain is just starting .
- 感觉不完全让人放心。
- It is not altogether reassuring .
- 当然这并不完全真实。
- This is not altogether true .
- 1988年,全世界一起制订了消除小儿麻痹症的目标。
- In 1988 the global community adopted the goal of ending polio altogether .
- 不过大趋势十分清晰。
- But the trend is clear .
- 答案现在变得越来越清晰。
- The answers are becoming clear .
- 你会注意到你开始以一种非常清晰的思路在思考。
- You will notice that you start thinking in a very clear manner .