- 《破产法》第11章的妙处就在于,奥巴马不需要插手干预。
- The beauty of chapter 11 is that mr obama has no need to interfere .
- 干涉低职位员工的招聘可能会让你与同事疏远。
- To interfere over the hiring of a minor colleague may alienate your co-workers .
- 我希望我的父母在我的职业的选择方面尽量不要干涉。
- I hope my parents don 't try to interfere in my choice of career .
- 一种不常见的做法是直接干预当地市场。
- A less common tactic is to intervene directly in local markets .
- 如果我们想介入但无能为力,这还是情有可原的。
- If we feel helpless to intervene , it is understandable .
- 当你可以时你介入,而不是始终如一。
- You intervene when you can , not to be consistent .