- 然后忽然就连这几个字也不说了。
- Then , the words abruptly dried up .
- 约旦河西亚摩利人的诸王和靠海迦南人的诸王,听见耶和华在以色列人前面使约旦河的水干了,等到我们过去,他们的心因以色列人的缘故就消化了,不再有胆气。
- Now when all the amorite kings west of the jordan and all the canaanite kings along the coast heard how the lord had dried up the jordan before the israelites until we had crossed over , their hearts melted and they no longer had the courage to face the israelites .
- 同时,在黄石国家公园,哈德利博士用化石同现代的实物相比较,那里许多生存了3千多年的两栖物种最近因池塘干涸而几乎灭绝。
- Meanwhile , dr hadly has been comparing the fossil record with modern-day reality in yellowstone national park , where types of amphibian that have thrived for 3000 years have all but disappeared recently , as their ponds have dried up .
- 他虽是近五十岁的干瘪男人,卓有天真妩媚小姑娘的风致,他的笑容比他的腰要年轻足足三十年,口内两只金牙使他的笑容尤其辉煌耀目。
- He was a wizened mail of nearly fifty , who had the sweet innocent air of a young girl . His smile was a good thirty years younger than his face and was made especially bright and dazzling by two gold front teeth .
- 喜鹊在枯萎的灰浆果丛中啄食。
- Magpies peck at wizened ash berries .
- 我多么乐意看到你干涸的灵魂。
- Im so gald to see your wizened atman .