- 因此幕府透过在欧洲国家之中唯一与其有著贸易关系的荷兰商馆,导入西洋式的航海术与海军术;而最初期的教育机关便是长崎海军传习所。
- Therefore shogunate penetrated in the european country only had had the trade relations the dutch business hall , introducing the european navigation technique and the navy technique ; but the most initial education institution was nagasaki naval training school .
- 到18世纪中期,德川幕府出现财政困难,其财政改革也宣告失败。
- By the mid-18th century the shogunate began to suffer financially , as attempts at fiscal reform proved largely unsuccessful .
- 它是反对末代幕府的策源地,伴随着1868年明治维新推动了日本现代化。
- It was a cradle of insurrection against the last shogunate , helping to shove japan into the modern age with the meiji restoration of 1868 .
- 将会决定谁是下任的将军。
- Will decide the next shogun .
- 济运*,幕府时代的大将军兼领主,是德川时代有名的佛学家。
- Jiun , a shogun master , was a well-known sanskrit scholar of the tokugawa era .
- 明早六点船从黑将军那里抵达这儿。
- It arrives from the shogun ofthe dark by six tomorrow evening .
- 因此幕府透过在欧洲国家之中唯一与其有著贸易关系的荷兰商馆,导入西洋式的航海术与海军术;而最初期的教育机关便是长崎海军传习所。
- Therefore shogunate penetrated in the european country only had had the trade relations the dutch business hall , introducing the european navigation technique and the navy technique ; but the most initial education institution was nagasaki naval training school .
- 到18世纪中期,德川幕府出现财政困难,其财政改革也宣告失败。
- By the mid-18th century the shogunate began to suffer financially , as attempts at fiscal reform proved largely unsuccessful .
- 它是反对末代幕府的策源地,伴随着1868年明治维新推动了日本现代化。
- It was a cradle of insurrection against the last shogunate , helping to shove japan into the modern age with the meiji restoration of 1868 .