- 如果家里有超过一个孩子,每个孩子得到的娃娃、游戏机和juicycouture连帽衫的数量自然就会少一些。
- When there 's more than one child , each kid is naturally going to have fewer dolls , video games and juicy couture hoodies .
- 批发小子机器人展台,英国广播公司,海关哈乐嘉磨损。
- Wholesale kid robot hoodies , bbc , ed hardy , roca wear .
- 他说,共有约100名男子-一些显然是十几岁,但大多在20多岁的年轻男子,甚至30多岁穿着帽衫和绒帽。
- He says there were about 100 men some apparently teens but mostly young men in their 20s and even 30s wearing hoodies and balaclavas .
- 访问结束时扎克伯格送了奥巴马一件他自己的风帽衣。
- Mr. zuckerberg ended the session by giving mr. obama a hoodie of his own .
- 自金融危机以来,每一个mba学生和他们的室友似乎都套着一件连帽衫参加创业大赛,试图为他们微不足道的应用构想赢得资金。
- Since the financial crisis , every mba student and their flatmate seems to have been donning a hoodie and entering a pitch contest to secure funding for their two-bit app concept .
- 尽管如此,弗里德曼现在也有了一件印有公司标识的风帽衣,上面印着一只蜜蜂。
- Still , she now has a hoodie with her own company logo , which features a bee .
- 无条件丝绸和羊绒深下挫帽衫。
- Unconditional silk and cashmere deep plunge hoody .
- 风格这是随便用石楠帽衫对比引擎盖条纹别致。
- Style this heather hoody is casually chic with contrast striping in the hood .