- 叹了口气,马戈恭敬地说:“你是我的上司,弗雷迪。您运行的方式显示你想要的。”
- Sighing , margo said deferentially , " you 're my superior , freddie . You run the show the way you want . "
- 如果美国不想丧失它所主张的领导地位,就必须指明保护外围国家不受起源于美国的金融风暴影响的方法。
- The us must show the way in protecting the peripheral countries against a storm that has originated in the us , if it does not want to forfeit its claim to the leadership position .
- 在加州最高法院最终指明走出这团迷雾的道路之前,一个诉讼案通过在市及县政府的权利方面给于了管理整顿大麻药店的明确指示虽然听证会的日期尚未确定。
- A case before the state supreme court may ultimately show the way out of the fug , by providing clear guidance on the powers city and county governments possess to regulate marijuana dispensaries-although no date has been set for the hearing .
- 不要坐下来等别人给你带路。
- Don 't just sit back and wait for someone else to lead the way .
- 你说啥?猥亵儿童?男妓先生,前方带路!
- A child molester you say ? Lead the way good sir pimp !
- 而肯尼亚正试图做这方面的引路人。
- Kenya is trying to lead the way .