- 门较低处是石头,上头有凤凰楼,这里是古代皇室偶尔会来的地方,这里也是末代皇帝于1945年退位让给胡志明革命军政府的地方。
- The lower part of the gate is stone , while on top is the " belvedere of the five phoenixes " where the emperor appeared on important occasions , and where the last emperor abdicated to ho chi minh 's revolutionary government in 1945 .
- 陈凯歌在1999年的电影《荆轲刺秦王》里描述一个古代的注定要失败的刺客荆轲,他试图用一把短匕首杀死皇帝。
- Chen depicts jing ke , an ancient assassin in the 1999 film the emperor and the assassin as someone doomed to failure , as he tries to kill the emperor with a short dagger .
- 原来宫女进宫后,一般都是见不到皇帝的,而是由画工画了像,送到皇帝那里去听候挑选。
- Odalisque palace of the original , are generally not see the emperor , but by the painter painted a portrait where have the discretion to select the emperor .