- 更重要的是,游戏设计师的灵感被手机本身的优势所触发,例如它的触摸屏和加速度计,使得用户把手机倒向一边时,屏幕的方向会改变。
- What 's more , game designers are inspired by the advantages of the phone itself , such as its touch screen and the accelerometer , which changes the orientation of the screen when the user tips the phone to one side .
- 一旦激活了辅助功能,屏幕上所有可以看到的都会被标准屏幕阅读器大声地念出来。
- Once accessibility features are active , everything visible on the screen can be spoken aloud by the standard screen reader .
- 这是alberti的窗户留下来的传统,后来的文艺复兴时期的绘画、电影屏幕、电视屏幕及电脑显示器也沿袭了该传统。
- This is the tradition of alberti 's window , and , consequently , of post-renaissance painting , the cinema screen , the tv screen , and the computer monitor .
- 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
- The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house ?
- 你躲在幕帘后面,等着被发现。
- You 're hiding behind a curtain , waiting to be found .
- 测试已表明,此帘能杀死一些飞入其中的蚊子。
- Tests have shown that the curtain kills some mosquitoes that fly into it .
- 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- He works in the drapery department of the store .
- 扮演国王的男演员脖子周围有一些有褶皱的布,来表现那一历史时期。
- The actor playing the king had some drapery around his neck to suggest the historical era .
- 他的父母都是波兰犹太移民,在巴黎蒙帕那斯区经营一家卖帽子和布料的商店。
- His father and mother were polish-jewish immigrants , keeping a hat-and drapery shop in montparnasse , in paris .