- 黄山市燕子楼食府有限公司百味火锅城。
- Huangshan city house restaurant ltd. barilla swallow hot pot city .
- 晴天时的景色如此引人入胜,statehouse的金色穹顶在阳光下闪闪发亮,backbay里是城市中摩天大楼的斑驳倒影,这一切使得城市看起来充满未来的味道。
- Sunny days are spectacular , with light bouncing off the gold-domed state house and the city 's skyscrapers casting shadows on the intricate architecture of the back bay . The city has never looked so futuristic .
- 项目位于墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉最古老的住宅区之一内,这是此地相对较为水平的场地,它使住宅能够有很好的气候影响,并享受鸟瞰城市的美好视野。
- The house is located in one of the oldest residential colonies in guadalajara , it is almost the only sheered area of a city that is mostly leveled , and this allows the place to receive good winds and to accomplish a great view from the second level at the nor-west of the city .