- 如果眼白周边部颜色深,则为结膜充血。
- If the sclera peripheral color is deep , is the hyperemic conjunctiva .
- 巩膜无黄染。心肺正常。
- The sclera was not icteric . The heart and lung was normal .
- 虹膜、巩膜距和巩膜。
- Iris , scleral spur and sclera .
- 巩膜隧道小切口白内障摘除术疗效观察。
- Observation of curative effect of small scleral tunnel incision extracapsular cataract extration .
- 巩膜扩张术逆转老视的理论基础研究。
- Study of theoretical basis of scleral expansion surgery for reversal of presbyopia .
- 巩膜扣带:吊索肌肉及标记突破点。
- Scleral buckling : slinging muscles & marking breaks .