- 供给多项手艺培训,优良员工不按时晋升薪资级别。
- Offer multinomial skill to groom , first-class staff is nonsked promotion pay scale .
- 在工资等级表最低一级的人员薪水是多少?
- What is the salary for someone on the bottom rung of the pay scale ?
- 欧文斯称,2009年到2010年,美国人的工资水平下降了2.8%,而且低薪一族的工资下降幅度最大,半数的低薪工种——厨师、备餐员、家庭护理员、私人护理员、女佣和管家——都丧失了5%的购买力。
- The wage decline was 2.8 % between 2009 and 2010 , she says , and was largest at the lower end of the pay scale , where half of all low-paid occupations -- cooks , food preparation workers , home health aides , personal care aides , maids and housekeepers -- lost 5 % of their buying power .