- 相反我很厌恶他对教育行业的蔑视。
- I hate his contempt for the teaching profession .
- 你在信仰和职业之间左右为难。
- Caught between your religion and your profession .
- 这给这个灰色行业添加了不需要的色彩。
- This added unwanted colour to a grey profession .
- 麻烦在于,编程是一门手艺,而我不是个手艺人。
- The trouble is , programming is a craft and I am not a craftsman .
- 多亏了弗拉基米尔的父母,这门濒临失传的手艺在60年代又兴盛起来。
- It is thanks to vladimir 's parents that the once dying craft was restored in the 1960s .
- 相反,这部电影的重点是一个在手艺里倾注一生的人的生活。
- Instead , the movie focuses on the life of a man who is utterly devoted to his craft .