- 计算人头数是通过将合同制工作小时数汇总,包括所有员工的加班小时数,除以一个全职员工的合同小时数。
- The way that saratoga calculates head count is to total up the contractual working hours , including overtime hours for all employees , and divide by the contractual number of hours for a full-time employee .
- 一家口头上宣称道德实践者的鞋厂timberland(天伯伦),在2007年其公司汇报中承认,在其发展新样式和新产品时,“一些步骤扰乱公司控制工时”。
- Timberland , a bootmaker and vocal supporter of ethical working practices , admitted as much in 2007 in a company report , noting that " some of our procedures were making it difficult for factories to control working hours " , including developing a huge number of new styles and the simultaneous launch of many new products .
- 尽管日本人睡眠时间少、通勤和工作时间长,但他们每天仍会在吃喝上花上近两个小时,因此日本在该项排名第三位,仅次于新西兰。
- The japanese , scrimping on sleep and burdened with long commutes and working hours , still manage to spend close to two hours a day eating and drinking , placing them third behind new zealanders .
- 工党通过劝说获得权利。
- Labor talks itself into power .
- 基恩的父母是劳工组织者。
- Keene 's parents were labor organizers .
- 你是如何解决劳工问题的?
- How did you resolve the labor issues ?