- 这部工具书是按照音序编制索引的。
- The reference book is indexed in alphabetic order .
- 但作为学生日后经常翻阅参考书,教材中对于卷积积分的引入又必须兼顾科学性。
- However , as the frequently consulted reference book , the textbook containing the concept of the convolution integral should give attention to rigorous expression .
- 有关物质的课题是枯燥的,考克斯和福索承认:海因里希凯瑟在一个世纪前完成了6部用以证明光谱是由每个已知元素产生的参考著作,据他们观察,“他肯定在晚宴上很开心。”
- Where the subject matter is a trifle dull , messrs cox and forshaw acknowledge it : of heinrich kayser , who a century ago completed a six-volume reference book documenting the spectral lines generated by every known element , they observe , " he must have been great fun at dinner parties . "
- 在一本书里提到1994年?
- In a book titled 1994 ?
- 如果这是您的第一本新书。
- This is your first book .
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