- 现代主义促进了科学发展以及工业革命,并最终导致人类历史上最大的一次物质力量的飞跃,即现代化。
- Modernism facilitated the development of science and the industrial revolution and led to the greatest advancement of material power in the history of man : modernization .
- 正如我们可信赖的历史书教给我们的一样,现代化是欧洲如文艺复兴、启蒙运动、法国大革命和工业革命这样变革的典型产物。
- As our trusted history books have taught us , modernity is the product of such quintessentially european developments as the renaissance , the enlightenment , the french revolution and the industrial revolution .
- 勤俭革命使工业革命成为可能,但实际的闪光点在何处?
- This " industrious revolution " made possible the industrial revolution-but what was the actual spark ?