- 沿乌节路购物和城市的天际线是一个外向型经济的高耸的表达。
- There is great shopping along orchard road and the city 's skyline is a towering expression of its outward-looking economy .
- 在理查德尼克松时期的财政部供职后,高大的沃尔克先生(6英尺7英寸)曾被吉米卡特和罗纳德里根任命至美联储。
- After serving at the treasury under richard nixon , the towering ( 6ft 7 in ) mr volcker was appointed to the fed by both jimmy carter and ronald reagan .
- 我正在观赏一路上那些高大的石灰岩峭壁(反正是我的借口),就在这一刻我冲下了河岸掉进了一条沟渠里。
- There I was admiring the landscape with towering limestone bluffs ( my excuse anyway ) when the next moment I 'm careering down the bank into a ditch .
- 设立的奖项未必都要有如此崇高的目标。
- Prizes need not have such lofty ambitions .
- 然而,现在出现了一种不适合这些崇高渴望的治国模式。
- Yet a pattern has emerged that does not fit these lofty aspirations .
- 崇高的、无代价的道德教训已经越来越没有价值了。
- Lofty , cost-free moral lectures count for less and less .