- 因为绝大多数气溶胶集中在地球表面附近,所以海平面处看到的光晕比高山顶上看到的要大得多。
- Since most aerosols are concentrated near earth 's surface , the aureole at sea level appears much larger than it would high on a mountain peak .
- 因为绝大多数气溶胶集中在地球表面附近,所以海平面处看到的光晕比高山顶上看到的要大得多。
- Since most aerosols are concentrated near earth 's surface , the aureole at sea level appears much larger than it would high on a mountain peak .
- 竹林和水蜜桃树点缀这山顶壮丽的风景。
- The bamboos and honey peaches dot the spectacular view on the mountain peak .