- 为什么我会认为苹果已经过了它的顶峰?
- Why do I think apple has passed its peak ?
- 这里是她审美经历的高峰。
- It was her peak aesthetic experience .
- 巅峰游戏找到了掘金热土。
- Peak games has found rich soil .
- 默克尔谨慎地离开了峰会会场。
- Ms. merkel left the summit discreetly .
- 斯科尔科沃峰会,准备好了吗?
- Ready for the skolkovo summit ?
- 欧元区高峰会议在组织市场恐慌方面的作用是至关重要的。
- The euro-zone summit will be vital in trying to stop the market panic .