- 为什么高昂的收费能够持续生存?
- Why are high fees so persistent ?
- 但所付出的国内代价同样高昂。
- But the domestic cost has been high .
- 因此高利率得以维持。
- That has kept yields high .
- 设立的奖项未必都要有如此崇高的目标。
- Prizes need not have such lofty ambitions .
- 然而,现在出现了一种不适合这些崇高渴望的治国模式。
- Yet a pattern has emerged that does not fit these lofty aspirations .
- 崇高的、无代价的道德教训已经越来越没有价值了。
- Lofty , cost-free moral lectures count for less and less .
- 这场暴风雨在半天时间里倾泻的雨量相当于民答那峨岛北部沿海一个多月的平均降雨量。
- The storm unloaded more than a month 's worth of average rainfall on the northern coast of mindanao in half a day .
- 在亚洲,很少有比菲律宾最南部的棉兰老岛的争端更棘手的问题了。
- Few more intractable conflicts exist in asia than the one in mindanao , the southernmost region of the philippines .
- 至少有57人死于马京达瑙省的屠杀中,该省位于菲律宾南部的棉兰老岛上。
- At least 57 people were murdered in a massacre in maguindanao on the island of mindanao in the southern philippines .