- 休息了几小时后我们沿着村里的梯田向下走到峡谷中去。
- After relaxing a couple of hours we walked down through the village terraces to the gorge .
- 它占地大约700平方公里(270平方英里)并且由2个部分组成:黄龙和穆尼峡。
- It covers an area of about 700 square kilometers ( 270 square miles ) and has two parts : huang long and muni gorge .
- 青龙峡有连绵的群山、水库和可以追溯到明朝的长城,秀丽的景色引来了众多城市居民。
- Qinglong gorge , with its range of mountains , reservoirs and great wall relics dating back to the ming dynasty , attracts city dwellers eager for a change of scenery .
- 她连同那些珠宝一起掉进峡谷里了。
- She went into the ravine , together with the jewels .
- 还记得那群在山谷里被警察找到的家伙吗
- Remember the guys the police found in the lumbiere ravine ?
- 除了可以避免灾难的发生以及绕过崎岖的道路,该探测器还能够跳入环形山或是沟壑的底部进行样品分析和图片拍摄,之后再跳出。
- Apart from avoiding hazards and rough ground , it would be able to jump into the bottom of a crater or ravine to analyse samples and take photographs , and then jump out again .
- 坏女巫格拉茨小姐的形象撞击着每个孩子的内心,令他们注意安全:你的意思是说有的成年人并不在意我的安全问题,尽可能地伤害我,对于他们的恶意毫不加以掩饰?
- The character of miss gulch / the wicked witch strikes the very heart of children 's notions of security : you mean there are adults who care nothing for my safety , who would harm me if they could , and make no attempt to conceal their spite ?
- 在战歌峡谷中带回一壁旗号。
- Return a fallen flag in warsong gulch .
- 国会税收委员会也开始与华盛顿k街的“古琦峡谷”(guccigulch)志同道合。
- Congressional tax committees start to resemble the " gucci gulch " of k street in washington .
- 突发的倾盆大雨向崇敬角附近的大峡谷深处释放了一道锯齿状闪电。
- A dramatic cloudburst releases jagged bolts of lightning deep into the grand canyon near point sublime .
- 那些危险的进出峡谷的攀爬对她来说没有什么好像之前已经知道了似的。
- The dangerous climbs in and out of the canyon were like nothing she had known before .
- 大峡谷因其汹涌澎湃的科罗拉多河的广泛前景而闻名于世。
- The grand canyon is known for its wide vistas over the raging colorado river .