- 在迦南要用厕所和水,tima说到,得沿着陡峭的山下到山脚下。
- Toilets and water in canaan , notes tima , are a steep climb down to the bottom of the hill .
- 站在一座大山的山脚下,仅仅想到爬山的过程就可能会让你精疲力尽。
- Stand at the bottom of a big hill and you can exhaust yourself just thinking about climbing it .
- 照片底部油渍壮的白色是一座岩石山,最黑暗的地区是风沙丘,陨石坑边缘蓝色的东西由撞击时的飞溅物所致,红色是石灰岩露头,绿色主要是植物。
- The white splotch at the bottom of the photo is a rocky hill , the darkest areas are wind-blown sand dunes , the blue around the crater 's rim may be material that was ejected during the impact , the red is limestone outcrop and the green areas are mostly vegetation .