- 从冰箱中取出并捏成球状,然后放在托盘上用叉子轻轻地压平。
- Remove from fridge and roll into balls , place on tray and slightly flatten with a fork .
- 他用餐叉指了指他的碟子,亲切地问道。
- He says sweetly , motioning his fork .
- 文艺复兴的对餐叉的抵制从某些方面来讲也是对的。
- The renaissance opponents of the fork were right , in many ways .
- 而且这将是一个意外。
- And this would be an accident .
- 上帝说对你的救赎并非意外。
- God says your salvation is no accident .
- 政府官员称这次爆炸是事故。
- Officials said the explosion was an accident .
- 你的婚姻可能有存在问题。
- Your marriage is in trouble .
- 极端主义者正在制造麻烦。
- Extremists are stirring up trouble .
- 而这正是问题的开始。
- And there the trouble started .
- 新鲜的芝麻菜叶也含有很多的维他命c。
- Fresh rocket leaves contain good levels of vitamin c .
- 维他命c还能帮助你从食物中吸收更多的营养。
- Vitamin c also helps you absorb more nutrients from food .
- 许多人高估了维c和其它抗氧化剂的好处。
- Many people overestimate the benefits of vitamin c and other antioxidants .