- 观澜高新技术产业园区市政工程(一期)排洪渠工程施工总结。
- Mission hills high-tech industrial park municipal engineering floodway construction summary .
- 观澜湖项目北区距海口市中心不足30分钟车程,西临一座围绕火山喷发口而建、面积108平方公里的国家地质公园。
- This northern section of the mission hills land is less than 30 minutes by car from downtown haikou and just east of a 108sq km national geological park built around the crater of an extinct volcano .
- 事实上,与海南观澜湖项目关系最紧密的那个人甚至否认项目的存在。
- In fact , the man most closely connected to the mission hills venture in hainan denies its very existence .