- 震中区位于金沙江下游南岸的山地中。本文中,作者分析了震区大地测量资料,根据破裂与应变的关系,确立这次地震震源破裂属于逆冲型。
- The epicenter is located in the mountainous region on the southern bank of lower jinsha riverin this paper , by analyzing the geodetic data in and around the epicentral region , a thrust fault pattern of focal rupture has been established from the rela-tionship between rupture and strain .
- 震中区位于金沙江下游南岸的山地中。本文中,作者分析了震区大地测量资料,根据破裂与应变的关系,确立这次地震震源破裂属于逆冲型。
- The epicenter is located in the mountainous region on the southern bank of lower jinsha riverin this paper , by analyzing the geodetic data in and around the epicentral region , a thrust fault pattern of focal rupture has been established from the rela-tionship between rupture and strain .
- 手扶式山地牧草收割机总体设计与效益分析。
- Master design and benefit analysis of a small walking herbage reaper for mountainous region .
- 左下方为不同地理来源粳型旱稻种质资源间的遗传一致性,右上方为不同地理来源籼型旱稻种质资源间的遗传一致性。
- The bottom left is genetic identity between japonica upland rice germplasms from different geographical origins , the upper right is the genetic identity between indica upland rice germplasms from different geographical origins .
- 他在全印度建立了很多免费的小学和中学,在班加罗尔建了另一所免费医院,为从奎师那河输送到金奈市、从戈达瓦里河输送到安德拉邦高地的饮用水付费。
- He set up free primary and secondary schools all over india , had another free hospital built at bangalore , and paid for drinking water to be piped from the krishna river to chennai and from the godavari river to upland andhra pradesh .
- 广西种植巴西旱稻单季再生稻的适播期分析。
- The analysis for the suitable sowing period for planting brazilian upland single-crop ratooning rice in guangxi .
- 这项任务的另一发现是,月球高地的地壳堆积密度比以往普遍认为的要低得多,这和早期的阿波罗登月任务所采集的数据恰好吻合。
- Another discovery from the mission was that the bulk density of the highland crust on the moon is much less than previously thought , but the new density readings go well with findings from the early apollo missions .
- 苏格兰半数以上的风力涡轮发电机架设在高原泥炭地上,这可不是明智之举。
- More than half of the wind turbines in scotland are on highland peat . This is not sensible .
- 它的西面是高原地区,经常有大雾和充足的光照,但是气温较低。
- The western part is considered the highland area and experiences frequent fog with intense sunlight , but low temperatures .