- 龙头山部分野生花卉引种驯化与栽培研究。
- The research on introduction and acclimatization and cultivation of several wildflowers in longtou mountain area .
- 山里人,乡下人来自山林或偏僻山区的人。
- A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area .
- 武陵山区山寨农业市场化发展研究。
- On the agriculture marketization development of mountain fastnesses in wuling mountain area .
- 将它们从一座山抛向另一座山。
- Fling them from hill to hill .
- 这话是拿破仑希尔说的,他说得很对。
- Napoleon hill said that , and he was right .
- 放下一切,往山上跑。
- Drop everything and run up a hill .
- 仅举一个有斜坡的马沙是牙买加总理河漂流胜地.
- To mention but one , there is the martha brae which is jamaica 's premier river rafting attraction .
- 北海布拉区中侏罗统砂岩和泥岩成岩作用的岩石学和同位素证据。
- Petrographic and isotopic evidence for diagenetic processes in middle jurassic sandstones and mudrocks from the brae area , north sea .
- 考古于1850年收到了来自大自然的礼物,当强风暴袭击的奥克尼群岛时剥离了沙丘和揭露了斯卡拉布雷下陷的残存部分。
- Photograph by paul sutherland archaeology received a gift from nature in 1850 , when a strong storm hit the orkney islands , stripping away sand dunes and uncovering the remains of the skara brae settlement .
- 塞拉利昂是一个十分贫穷的国家。
- Sierra leone is desperately poor .
- 塞拉俱乐部为什么会反对一个旨在防止环境崩溃的措施?
- Why would the sierra club oppose a measure designed to prevent environmental collapse ?
- 塞拉利昂被认为是一个战后重建的典范。
- Sierra leone is regarded as a model of post-conflict reconstruction .