- 但他现在已经冻结招聘计划,正在寻找提高屠宰效率的新设备。
- But now he has put hiring plans on hold and is looking for new machinery to make slaughtering more efficient .
- 世界各地的穆斯林宰牲节庆祝被屠宰绵羊、山羊、牛和骆驼以纪念先知亚伯拉罕愿意牺牲自己的儿子伊斯来执行神的命令。
- Muslims around the world celebrate eid al-adha by slaughtering sheep , goats , cows and camels to commemorate prophet abraham 's willingness to sacrifice his son ismail on god 's command .
- 短期来看,肉类价格将不会受到影响,因为养殖业者将会因为饲养成本太高,为了节约投资而屠宰牲畜导致供大于求。
- In the short run , the cost of meat will not be affected because there is glut caused by livestock owners slaughtering their herds in order to save money on expensive feed .
- 你的生活方式正在杀害你吗?
- Is your lifestyle killing you ?
- 从对史蒂文森先生的杀害开始。
- Begin with the killing of mr stevens .
- 杀死动物只是一个开始。
- Killing is just the kickoff .
- 玩耍可能无异于杀害他!
- Playing could actually kill him !
- 但是,这些无人机也杀害了许多平民。
- But they also kill a lot of civilians .
- 但是恐惧不能杀死任何生物。
- But fright cannot kill anything .
- 你把这种大规模人口剔除描述为“长久侵袭”或者“回到更理智的世界”。
- You describe this mass cull as " a long descent " or a " retreat to a saner world " .
- 缺少了迫使企业聚焦在长期项目上的股东压力,企业便会违背提高业绩、剔除弱势项目的市场规律。
- The lack of shareholder pressure that lets companies focus on long-term projects removes the market discipline to boost performance and cull weak projects .
- 西班牙政府要求银行更积极剔除坏账,这是正确的,但它若要恢复银行业的整体信心,除了纾困bankia之外别无选择。
- While madrid is right to call for a more aggressive cull of bad loans , its move to restore confidence in the banking sector as a whole has left it with little choice but to rescue bankia .
- 扫罗在挪伯屠杀祭司。
- Saul slaughters the priests at nob .
- 当然啦,兰博的确是跟一大堆看守战俘营的越南士兵干上了,而且把他们都消灭了。
- Sure , rambo takes on a huge chunk of the vietnamese soldiers guarding a pow camp and slaughters them all .
- 这个业力将主要通过疾病而平衡其中你的身体自我屠杀,而业力就是业力。
- The karma will be balanced mostly through disease where one 's own body slaughters itself ; and karma is karma .