- 她还发动了为柏林的一条自动车道集资的活动,现在这也成为实验室留下来的宝贵遗产。
- More concretely she initiated crowd-funding for a new bike lane in berlin , a legacy that the lab now leaves behind .
- 这位党卫队头子有意离开了柏林,到底打的是什么主意呢,自从他的联络官菲格莱因擅离职守以来,一直没有消息。
- What was the s.s. chief up to , now that he had deliberately absented himself from berlin ? There had been no news since his liaison officer , fegelein , had quit his post .
- 但她的一些怀念昔日政权的同事却指控她"为国家抹黑"并驱逐她.现在她在柏林的史塔西博物馆工作.
- But colleagues , nostalgic for the old regime , accused her of " dirtying the nest " and forced her out-she is now at the stasi museum in berlin .