- 另一个中心,约翰逊岭天文台,取而代之的,但它是可以在温暖个月。
- Another center , the johnson ridge observatory , replaced it , but it is open only in the warm months .
- 他们的房屋朴素而美丽,坐落在山脊上俯瞰村子。
- Perched on a ridge overlooking the village , theirs is simple but beautiful .
- 因此查理兰格尔翻过了山脊,找到了他惊恐的战友们。
- So he crawled over a ridge , where he found his comrades panicking .
- 该行业的极端资本集约度是外人进入的阻碍,从理论上说只存在少量供应商的市场是操纵起来成熟的。
- The industry 's extreme capital-intensity is certainly a barrier to entry , and in theory a market with only a few suppliers is ripe for rigging .
- 总统之所以在意他们还在于他们中的一些人,并不仅仅是ibori先生一个人,也许可以提供毁灭性的证据以证明他如何操纵普选以成为总统的。
- They also have the president 's ear because several of them , not least mr ibori , could probably produce damning evidence of the widespread election rigging that brought the president to office .
- 克里姆林宫否认关于选举舞弊的传言。
- The kremlin denied allegations of vote rigging .
- 性爱高手推荐用食指插入阴道前壁至第二个关节,并作出“到这里来”的手势。
- Sexual virtuosos recommend inserting the forefinger to about the second knuckle and making a ' come here ' motion towards the front vaginal wall .
- 实验对象被要求用他们空出来的右手拿着一根棍子,指出他们左手每个指尖和关节的位置。
- The subjects were asked to use their free right hand point with a baton to the location of each knuckle and fingertip of their left hand .
- 指关节弯曲也是一种不错的道别方式的选择。
- Knuckle bumps are a fantastic alternative to saying goodbye .
- 食物价格高的顶破了房顶。
- Food costs are through the roof .
- 举重大礼堂内的屋顶漏着水。
- The weightlifting auditorium has a leaky roof .
- 在印度,看见有人在房顶上放风筝是再正常不过了。
- Flying a kite from the roof is part of everyday life in india .