- 文章的目的在于,尽可能精确的估算,如果使升温海水不断渗入西侧南极洲冰原和冰下基岩之间缝隙,将会导致多少冰块流入大海。
- The goal was to examine as precisely as possible how much ice could flow into the sea if warming seawater penetrated between the west antarctic ice sheet and the bedrock beneath .
- 世界各地的冰川学家、地震学家和气候学家乘直升飞机降落在冰盖上,乘破冰船靠近难以接近的海岸线,争分夺秒地测量冰川,试图发现格陵兰冰盖的融化速度何以比预期的要快。
- Glaciologists , seismologists and climatologists from around the world are landing on the ice sheet in helicopters , taking ice-breakers up its inaccessible coastline and measuring glaciers in a race against time to discover why the ice in greenland is vanishing so much faster than expected .
- 格陵兰冰川是其巨大冰盖上那肥厚而不安宁的指爪,它不停地流动,伸展至海湾,将来自冰盖的冰块以融水和冰山的形式推入海洋。
- The glaciers of greenland are the fat , restless fingers of its vast ice sheet , constantly moving , stretching down into fjords and pushing ice from the sheet into the ocean , in the form of melt water and icebergs .