- 我想我可能摔坏了尾臀骨。
- I think I might have fractured me coccyx .
- 你的气长期地蛰伏在尾椎处,我以适合的音符将之惊醒。
- Your qi hibernates in coccyx for long time . I arouse it by proper notes .
- 骨盆由两块髋骨、骶骨和尾骨以及他们的连结构成。
- The bones of the pelvis consist of the two hip bones , the sacrum , coccyx and their joints .
- 骨科,尾骨坐久会疼。
- The department of orthopedics , the long tailbone seat meeting ache .
- 把你的双手至于尾骨然后双腿举起直指屋顶,垂直于你的躯干。
- Lie with your hands underneath your tailbone and your legs raised and pointed straight up toward the ceiling , perpendicular to your torso .
- 一堆堆破碎的尾骨会比.不管这个地方是地狱。
- A broken tailbone would be heaps better than ...... whatever the hell this place was .