- 本公司的口号是:服务人民,依托商业,开拓搞活,面向全国。
- Serve the people , rely on business , vitalize and develop the economy , and cater to the whole country is the watchword of this company .
- 要是我没有机会去了靠近边界的小山城希格纳奇(sighnaghi),我会轻易骑车穿过这个国家,然后相信第比利斯是唯一值得游览的地方。
- Without chancing upon the small hill town of sighnaghi just before the border , I could have easily have cycled right across the whole country believing that tbilisi was the only place worth visiting .
- 自晚明以来,江浙一带就是全国纺织业的中心,所谓“日出千绸,衣被天下”,在历史教科书上被认定是“近代资本主义的萌芽之地”。
- Since late ming dynasty , the jiangsu and zhejiang area had been the center of textile manufacturing in china and was regarded as " the place of bud of modern capitalism " in history textbooks . We described the area was a place " producing thousands of silks everyday and the products spreaded to the whole country " .