- 关于这一著名冻尸的故事情节出现有趣的转折
- The story of a famous corpse gets a surprising twist
- 而尼克松看上去像一个流汗的僵尸。
- Nixon looked like a sweaty corpse .
- 停尸房内也没有制冷设备,这具无名尸已经开始腐烂。
- And the morgue lacked refrigeration , so the unidentified corpse was beginning to decompose .
- 这些遗骸的日期,甚至可能追溯到冰河后期。
- The date of these remains may even be post-glacial .
- 它们是在非洲以外发现的最远古的人类遗骸化石。
- They are the earliest human remains to be discovered outside africa .
- 很快我们的院子里满是这些其他女人的遗骸。
- Soon our yard was filled with the remains of these other women .