- 钱总将手一挥,镜头拉开,壶口岸边漫山遍野的威风锣鼓震耳欲聋地敲起来。
- Money always the hand one brandish , camera lens is pulled open , the awe-inspiring gong and drum of all over the mountains and plains side crock port is knocked deafeningly rise .
- 他去年恰恰做了这样的事,就在阿里邦戈(alibongo)在加蓬备受争议的总统选举中获胜在法国总统的认可下接替其父亲时。
- He did exactly that last year when ali bongo emerged victorious in gabon 's disputed presidential election -- with the endorsement of the french president to succeed his father .
- 加蓬安全力量和反对阿里邦戈当选新总统的抗议人群之间发生进一步冲突。
- There have been further clashes in gabon between security forces and people protesting against the recent election of ali ben bongo as president .
- 法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。
- A french military base in libreville allowed paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring francophone states and offered bongo security .
- 她丈夫的营生是叫卖传统的鼓,以此得来的收入只够每天让五个孩子吃一顿饭。
- She can afford to feed her five children one meal a day on the income her husband earns selling traditional drums .
- 窗户破碎声和鼓声不绝于。
- Shattered windows and the sound of drums .
- 但也可能是只有用震撼的鼓声才能压得过观众们的说话声、手机铃声、小孩子的打闹声还有人们往好位置移动时发出的声音。
- Or maybe the drums were there to drown out the crowd 's babbling , of telephones ringing , of children playing in the aisles and of people trying to sneak into better seats .