- 被保险的工人有很小的动机拒绝担保,但若让他们自己直接支付一定的账单,他们会询问是否真的有必要接受另一个x射线牙齿拍片。
- Insured workers have little incentive to say no. but if they had to foot some of the bill directly , they might ask whether yet another dental x-ray was really necessary .
- 让我猜猜。在湖岸边的一栋小别墅,白色的尖桩篱栅,狗?都是传统的没价值的附属品。
- Lemme guess . A little cottage by the lakeshore , a white picket fence , dog ? All the traditional mud-foot accessories .
- 让我猜猜。在湖岸边的一栋小别墅,白色的尖桩篱栅,狗?都是传统的没价值的附属品。
- Lemme guess . A little cottage by the lakeshore , a white picket fence , dog ? All the traditional mud-foot accessories .