- 他修整完了整片草地。
- Then he finished cutting the grass .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。
- Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass .
- 这位科学家研究蜜蜂,他的背景是一片草地,放置着很多蜂箱,他就在那里工作。
- The scientist studies bees and his setting is the grassy field with beehives where he works .
- 那肯尼迪呢?那是不是为草丘事件的第二位杀手?
- What about j.f.k. ? Was it the second shooter on the grassy knoll ?
- 闪开来往的汽车,我们穿过街道,又走过一大片草地,草地上许多大人正在打垒球。
- Dodging a few cars , and walked across a large grassy field , where a few adults were playing softball .